Travel & Collect Your Memories
85 Destinations
For you to Travel to & Collect Pins.
100,000+ Pins Sold
To travellers of the world.
Hundreds of stories shared
About the amazing people & places of our world.
A Pin for Every Place you Visit
We’ve designed pins for hundreds of major landmarks and cities around the world to help you remember the amazing experiences you’ve had.
How it works?

Download our Mobile App
Locate worldwide pin collections in airports and landmarks around the world.

Travel & Collect Pins
Collect a pin for every place you visit. Scan each one to add it to your profile in the mobile app.

Meet New People, Trade Pins and Share Your Story
All of our Pins are sold in a set of 2. If you see someone with a Monda Pin, ask them about it. Meet other explorers and share your travel stories.
Hear About Others Experiences
“I regularly use the Monda Pins app to keep track of the places i've been. It’s also my go-to for discovering places I want to visit. “